Skin Care Tips
Retin-A is a standard part of a comprehensive nightly skincare routine: wash, tone, retinol, moisturize and repeat! The result is clearer younger looking skin. But, Retin-A as available in prescription form and containing toxic additives, is very harsh on the skin and can cause redness, dryness, and sometimes burning. Research has taught us that Retinol formulations can be just as effective as Retin-A itself. Dr Barad Illuminated SkinCare’s® enhanced form of Retinol provides better skin quality improvement than Retin-A, and without the undesirable adverse effects. more...
Soothing Nutrient Cleanser with Arnica, Olive and Vitamin E - start & end your day with a clean face
Always start & end your day with a clean face. At night, you need to wash away the debris that settles on the skin through the day- in the morning you need to wash away the hair oils, saliva & anything that might have landed on your pillow during the night. A balanced skin cleanser will also help skin stay healthy & youthful. more... -
While wearing a face mask has become a standard accessory to help protect yourself and others from germs, your skin may not be so happy under cover — especially if your skin is sensitive and prone to acne or is easily inflamed.
Whatever your skin type, help your skin cope during this stressful time by being more mindful of your skin care regimen. It will benefit you to cleanse more deeply, protect better and improve your skin’s barrier function.
Balance your skin with gentle, deep cleansing that maintains the skin acid/base equilibrium. Facial skin under constant cover can become irritated; pores can clog if dirt is trapped under the mask in the cloud of microbes that we breathe out, all leading to inflammation. more...